Monday, March 9, 2009

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with Monkeys

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with MonkeysFrida Kahlo Self Portrait 1940Frida Kahlo My Dress Hangs There
a town like Zemphis was the place where caravans split, mingled and came together again, as dozens of merchants and travellers banded together for protection against the socially disadvantaged on the trails ahead. Esk, wandering unregarded amidst the bustle, learned all this by the simple method of finding someone who looked down and talking seriously to a small, grubby-faced child holding a large broomstick (which also, it seemed to him later, was in some indefinable way paying attention).
He explained about the caravans. The child nodded.
"People all get together to travel?"
"Where to?"important and tugging on the hem of his coat. This particular man was counting bales of tobacco and would have succeeded but for the interruption. "What?" "I said, what happening here?" The man meant to say: "Push off and bother someone else." He meant to give her a light cuff about the head. So he was astonished to find himself bending

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