Monday, October 20, 2008

Gustave Courbet paintings

Gustave Courbet paintings
Guido Reni paintings
is it, I wonder, how friendship is so different for men and women? It’s something I’ve been thinking about lately due to a number of “problems” with friends! When a guy meets another guy, unless there is a major problem or a history there, they nearly automatically become friends! My husband meets someone once and would go out for a drink with them. With women, they always wonder what ulterior motive the other one has. For example, two couples meet who haven’t met before. The men get on like a house on fire, chatting about everything from football to . The women are like two dogs sniffing each other out. Looking for signs. Can I trust her? Will she make a play for my husband? If I tell her things will she keep them private? Will she make out she’s my friend but talk about me to everyone else? Is this a woman’s naturally skeptical nature? Why can’t we take people at face value? It drives me insane but having said that, I’m certainly guilty of it myself.
I would hate to presume that women are more devious than men are and I have plenty of extremely trustworthy
George Inness paintings

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