Tuesday, August 26, 2008

John Singer Sargent A Morning Walk lady painting

John Singer Sargent A Morning Walk lady paintingJohn Singer Sargent The Entrance to the Grand Canal Venice paintingJohn Singer Sargent The Breakfast Table painting
him, understand; he's not a bad advisor.
I wonder, though, if it might not be wiser
in this case to get all the help we can.

TALIPED:A stunning inspiration. Whafs your plan?

COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN:Let's call in Gynander, the Proph-prof
Emeritus. That old boy knows his stuff,
you must admit --although you think he's swishy.

TALIPED:Think,man! I knowthere's something fishy
about that guy. You've heard the standard tale --
how he was male at first and then female,
and then turned male again. That was his brag, at
least. Myself, I think the guy's a faggot.
But never mind: we deans soon learn to work
with every sort of crank and queer and quirk;
if I cashiered for moral turpitude
adulterers and faggots --those who've screwed
their colleagues' wives, or shacked up with each other,
or humped their dog, their sister, or their mother--


TALIPED: --I'd lose four out of five
of my best men. So what I say is, "Swive
away, my friends! Be cocksmen, dykes, or fairies --
but stay out of the pants of secretaries,
and please don't lay your students."

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