Tuesday, June 3, 2008

William Etty paintings

William Etty paintings
William Merritt Chase paintings
William Blake paintings
Winslow Homer paintings
Well -- ?''
``Well -- yes,'' she said.
``You were afraid? You knew -- ?''
``Yes: I knew . . .''
``Well, then?'' he insisted.
``Well, then: this is better, isn't it?'' she returned with a long questioning sigh.
``Better -- ?''
``We shall hurt others less. Isn't it, after all, what you always wanted?''
``To have you here, you mean -- in reach and yet out of reach? To meet you in this way, on the sly? It's the very reverse of what I want. I told you the other day what I wanted.''
She hesitated. ``And you still think this -- worse?''
``A thousand times!'' He paused. ``It would be easy to lie to you; but the truth is I think it detestable.''
``Oh, so do I!'' she cried with a deep breath of relief.

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