Friday, June 6, 2008

Church North Lake painting

Church North Lake painting
Church Landscape in the Adirondacks painting
Chase After the Rain painting
Fantin-Latour Flowers in a Bowl painting
She wondered why Robert had gone away and left her. It did not occur to her to think he might have grown tired of being with her the livelong day. She was not tired, and she felt that he was not. She regretted that he had gone. It was so much more natural to have him stay when he was not absolutely required to leave her.
As Edna waited for her husband she sang low a little song that Robert had sung as they crossed the bay. It began with "Ah! si tu savais,"and every verse ended with "si tu savais."
Robert's voice was not pretentious. It was musical and true. The voice, the notes, the whole refrain haunted her memory. When Edna entered the dining-room one evening a little late, as was her habit, an unusually animated conversation seemed to be going on. Several persons were talking at once, and Victor's voice was predominating, even over that of his mother. Edna had returned late from her bath, had dressed in some haste, and her face was flushed. Her head, set off by her dainty white gown, suggested a rich, rare blossom. She took her seat at table between old Monsieur Farival and Madame Ratignolle.

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